Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A glimpse into my reading habits.
Emily to Sue, April 1864
Dear Sinai do'nt be angry--the Crickets are sorry for their Chirping--Lord what a noise the Wind made too--Vesuvius a'nt nothing to it....

Vinnie to Austin, April? 1864
...[torn] bursts into the house and races to Emilie's room and then I hear "G-d d-mn you Billy Collins get your hands off her" and Carlo barking and down comes C[ollins] clutching his trousers and D[avis] right after waving a horse whip and a [illegible]....

Sue to Austin, April? 1864
...I cannot get a sensible word from E she says that she is a wife without the Sign and wo'nt stop talking in Capitals about bees and gentians and I know not what.... Please bring back two dozen pearl buttons as Emilie's [illegible] has had them all torn off I am sure I do'nt know what to do....

Emily to Sue, April? May? 1864
Dearest North Wind tell Brother not to Scowl so at me from afar--I am not so Quick as he fears--and I know that Honor is its own Pawn--and the World has another Lamp when the Soul is shuttered.


Unknown said...

Did you smoke those rats? What are you reading?

Odious said...

This may help. (Or it may not. I'm also pretty well convinced that Emily was a vampire.)

Unknown said...

Isak Dinesen undresses a woman far better than Billy Collins; Mr. Collins is a bit creepy 'bout it all.