Thursday, March 12, 2020

A grim but interesting read on architectural theory and urban warfare.
Contemporary urban operations play themselves out within a constructed, real or imaginary, architecture, and through the destruction, construction, reorganization and subversion of space. As such the urban environment must be understood not simply as the backdrop to conflict, nor as its mere consequence, but as trapped in a complex and dynamic feedbackbased relation with the forces operating within it – be they a diverse local population, soldiers, guerrilla, media or humanitarian agents. Indicative of the emergent relationship between conflict and space are urban warfare tactics that redefine a relation to the physical/architectural element of the wall.
It's worth considering that warfare may not simply require the destruction of the social and legal boundaries made manifest in our public and private spaces, but consist as such.

Sunday, March 01, 2020

We should all compact that, if in the course of writing an article one personifies an abstract concept (e.g., "the science says"), one is obligated thereafter to continue in the style of a Renaissance extended allegory.

On the Discourse of SCIENTIA and POTENTIA; their ill Relations and darksome Querulousness, at last overcome by the welcome Light of REASON, holding high her Lantern and joining their Hands; the Conquest and Remotion of MENDACITY and all that sundry foul Brood that pour forth from her spumy Loins; with frivolous and witty Asides by the AUTHOR