Wednesday, September 21, 2005

And that is what I think of Ray Kurzweil.
'Just as', said Dr. Pellkins, in a fine passage-- 'just as when we see a pig in a litter larger than the other pigs, we know that by an unalterable law of the Inscrutable, it will some day be larger than an elephant--just as we know, when we see weeds and dandelions growing more and more thickly in a garden, that they must, in spite of all our efforts. grow taller than the chimney-pots and swallow the house from sight...'
--G.K. Chesterton, The Napoleon of Notting Hill

...just so we know that the Singularity is coming, or that mankind will soon by transhuman, or that life will inevitably be changed beyond recognition by toasters that think or whatever new, shiny object has caught the eye of the futurist.