Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Modern-day Ptolomaicists: it's so rare to capture one alive. I'm actually very fond of Ptolomy, and harbor a romantic delight in the intricate elegance of his cosmology. (I like the elegant intricacy of the Finnish language too, but it's not a winning horse when it comes to productive discourse.) Sigh... judge for yourself. Advice to those who would overthrow modern scientific hegemony: claims regarding the deception of "occult mathematics" might be best countered by some math of your own, not vague assertions about the influence of the Kabbala. Why on earth are so many Old Testament literalists so paranoid about taints of Judaism? Also, the math behind a lot of it, say stellar parallax, is far from occult, high school trig rather. Many of this blog's readers have worked over Ptolomy in detail, and encountered far more convolutions.

This morning's fear and pity is courtesy of Neal Boortz.

1 comment:

Chas S. Clifton said...

American Science & Surplus will sell you the suspended globe shown on the flat earth site for only $39.95.

They are currently out of epicycles, but they say that they will have them in stock pretty soon.l