Friday, August 19, 2005

What's that term? Oh yeah: heh.

Honesty is not a quality often found in debates regarding conservation. Any number of "facts" have been published by both sides, and it takes a bit of searching to determine which are absurd. If everyone would just stop lying, we could get a lot more done. But the short-term gains from mendacity apparently overshadow the long-term gains of reputation.

I like wind power. It's as close to free as one gets, and if it's not horribly noisy or "kill[ing] birds in an avian frappe", I'm all for it. While I don't believe that it will ever serve as a primary source of energy, that doesn't mean that it can't help out where appropriate. Apparently for some people, "appropriate" means "in someone else's yard".

I am also perfectly happy to trade houses with Sen. Kennedy.

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