Thursday, February 23, 2006

Brekekekex koax koax
A cave so huge helicopters can fly into it has just been discovered deep in the hills of a South American jungle paradise.


As a bonus, researchers also discovered a new dendrobatid frog species, Colostethus breweri, named for the frog’s identifier, Charles Brewer-CarĂ­as. Dendrobatid frogs make up the group of amphibians commonly known as "poison dart" frogs.
Full article.

UPDATE: Stupid Greek. "Fixed".


Peculiar said...

What are all the question marks for, Odious? If it's simple incredulity, remember the article points out that it "isn’t really a cave, but a huge, collapsed, steep gorge." You can just barely see the helicopters in the photo. MSN or somewhere had a larger version where you could make them out more clearly. It's a very verticle area: the world's tallest waterfall comes off a Venezuelan tepui.

Odious said...

When I posted it, it was "brekekekex koax koax" in Greek. I'll try fiddling with it.

Peculiar said...

Better than I hoped!! The tepuis are still very cool though!