Saturday, April 03, 2004

And now for something completely different.

I have a dead-end job which I enjoy. It's not daisho pizza delivery, but it's challenging, in a social-skills kind of way, and I'm around wine and food constantly, which is not a Bad, and the money is definitely a Good. But three years of it, on and off, have left me little to learn about it, and I was getting fed up. Of course, rather than do anything about this situation, I allowed myself to get more and more frustrated as the universe did nothing to meet my expectations. Yesterday was the closest I've ever been to dropping a customer with the bat we keep behind the bar and leaving.

So, the universe wasn't meeting my expectations, which was annoying. What vexes me even more, though, is that later that afternoon it did. Last night was my first shift as floor manager, and this next week I'll be in charge of re-vamping the wine list. Which means tastings, oh dear oh my whatever shall I do. I know exactly what I'll do: I will get pleasantly toasted and talk about wine with people, thus fulfilling one of my constant short-term ambitions. I've become a sort of part-time manager/part-time sommelier/waiter, with new challenges which I actually find interesting. I like wine (and gin and port and vodka forth. You get the idea). I'm ecstatic to be dealing with it regularly.

But...I really was hoping to stalk out of the restaurant in a huff, never to return. Oh well, there's not a manager who's lasted three months in the past two years. Maybe something bad will happen to me, too. Fingers crossed!