Saturday, April 10, 2004

We've at last found a new current pick, rather in the vein of the previous one: Fantastic Fish of the Middle Ages. The title says it all.

The home site of Fantastic Fish is not to be missed either: good- and often black-humoured medievalism, with an emphasis on food and lots of art. There is a laudable companion site to Fantastic Fish, viz. Mythical Plants of the Middle Ages. And don't you dare miss this photo of one of the strangest meals I've ever seen, the Cockentrice. And if that's not odd enough, here are two even odder Cockentrices. Get inspired, and start cooking something good for Easter!

Escluapius sayth. Coretz is a fisshe that hydeth hym in the depe of the water whan it rayneth / for yf he receiued any rayne, he sholde waxe blynde, and dye of it.

The Asshes of hym [Cancer the Creuyce] is gode to make white tethe / & to kepe the motes out of the clothes / it withdryueth byles, & heleth mangynes.